Role: Senior AirTable Architect and No-code Developer

Project Task/Challenge:

Our client, a US-based watch retailer, required a comprehensive solution to manage their inventory across various online and offline sales channels, including eBay, Chrono24, and their WooCommerce store. Additionally, they needed data analysis tools for monitoring sales and stock details.

Their existing solution, created by an inexperienced employee, was inadequate and lacked proper database design. The challenge was to develop a more intuitive and flexible system that catered to their unique sales processes, including buying, trade-ins, and third-party sales, while providing the desired analytics capabilities.



Caption: The client is a US-based watch retailer with many sales channels

DB screens (watch store case).png

Caption: Streamlined E-commerce CRM and Inventory System for Watch Retailer

Project Solution

We developed a comprehensive Airtable-based solution, migrating all data from the old system without disrupting the sales process. The solution boasts advanced data processing, automation, and integrations with platforms like eBay and WooCommerce, utilizing Airtable automations and JavaScript scripting blocks for optimal flexibility.


  1. Comprehensive Database: Imported 30,000+ watch records using Octoparse for streamlined inventory management.
  2. Advanced Data Processing: Leveraged Airtable automations, JavaScript scripting blocks, and interfaces for complex calculations and processing.
  3. Automation: Implemented 30+ automations for tasks like automatic listings and de-listings on online stores.
  4. Custom Dashboards: Created dashboards to display inventory status, acquisition methods, sales channels, and more.
  5. QR Code Integration: Enabled quick access to watch records via Airtable mobile app using QR codes.